Atlantic hurricane season officially starts on June 1st and ends on November 30th. During this period, all residents should remain vigilant and hurricane ready. Preparing is crucial for survival, protecting your loved ones and your property. Hurricane is a destructive force with no mercy. How should you prepare for a hurricane?

The official dates for hurricane season are June 1st – November 30th. However, most of the hurricane activity takes place between mid-August and mid-October. The peak of the hurricane season falls on September 10th. You can’t do anything about hurricane arrival, but you can and should take preventive measures to protect yourself, your loved ones, your property, and your business. Continue reading to discover valuable insights on how to prepare for a hurricane.

If you still need to start preparing, you should start NOW!

Prepare your home for a hurricane

Firstly, prepare your house, as it is a barrier between you and the hurricane:

  • Are your doors and windows impact products?
  • If not, do you have shutters over your doors and windows? Even if your products are impact, you might still need shutters. Hurricanes strengthen every year, and there is no such thing as too much protection.
  • Are your shutters in good condition? Shutters should be adequately maintained and used throughout the year. Your shutters should be in good shape to provide maximum protection. You can entrust this task to a professional team that will assess the condition of your shutters and will perform repairs if necessary. If you live or have a property in Sint Maarten, you can book your shutter inspection here.
  • Inspect all the wall openings and holes. Seal them with a high-quality urethane-based caulk to avoid water penetration.
  • Prepare outdoors as well – trim bushes and remove weak branches from trees.
  • Secure loose outdoor objects if there is a warning about a possible tropical storm or hurricane.
  • Secure your property as, unfortunately, post-hurricane looting might happen.
  • If a tropical storm or hurricane happens, prepare your property – take in all the loose items from the outside.
  • If your house is unsafe and you don’t have a budget to improve it, make sure you have a safe space to go in case of a hurricane, such as friends and family. If not, do you know where the public shelter is located? You can find an updated list of Sint Maarten hurricane shelters here.

Follow weather updates

  • Stay informed – be aware of weather updates. You can follow Government social media and listen to the local radio. Keep your eyes and ears open. You want to know as soon as possible to prepare… but also expect the unexpected. Some tropical storms became hurricanes even if it had not been considered a likely event.

Gather supplies

  • Make sure you have a stock of supply of water and non-perishable food. Remember that in the event of hurricanes, stores will be closed, and it can take weeks to return to normal. By gathering supplies, you are not only preparing for the storm but also its aftermath.
  • Gather enough drinking water, but remember the water supply is not only for drinking but also for washing and flushing the toilet. Store it in durable containers such as soft plastic bottles.
  • Gather foods that don’t require refrigeration, preparation, or cooking and little or no water. Also, remember the water supply is not only for drinking but also for washing and flushing the toilet, so a six-pack is not enough… Fill out your cistern if you have one. You can use it for washing purposes or after boiling it for drinking.
  • Remember to make a supply for the youngest ones: food, milk, diapers, bottles, and medications.
  • Remember to gather a supply of sanitizing items: hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, toilet paper, toothpaste soap, feminine supplies, etc.
  • Prepare for a power outage – ensure you have alternative light sources, candles, or lamps with fuel, matches, and flashlights. Have a backup power source such as a generator and batteries. You might use gas cooking alternatives during a power outage.
  • Ensure you have a first aid kit and all necessary medication. It is essential, especially if you suffer from chronic disease.
  • Keep at your home tools for essential repairs. Flying debris might cause damage, and you should be able to patch it up quickly.
  • Battery-powered or hand-cranked radio would be helpful. It lets you be in touch with the news when there is no current.
  • It may not sound like first need items but think about some board games, cards to play, puzzles, books to read, or other ways to entertain yourself and your family that do not require electricity or batteries.
  • Remember to have some cash on you as ATMs and some cc machines might not work just after the storm.

Remember about essential documents

  • Review your insurance documents and check if they cover hurricane and hurricane-related damage like flooding.
  • Gather all essential documents (id cards, passports, wills, insurance documents, social security cards, credit card account numbers, companies, etc.) in one place, secured. Store them in a safe, easily accessible location. You can buy a waterproof pocket or small container to protect them.
  • Make a hand-written list of contacts with phone numbers.

Don’t leave your pets behind

  • Remember about your pets – make a supply of pet food and buy enough water for them. Ensure their medical record is updated, and they have all documents required for travel in case of evacuation so you can take your furry friend. Fasten an ID card with a phone number to your pet’s collar. Transport pets in pet carriers and keep them on a leash or harness. Don’t wait until the last minute to evacuate. If you need to be rescued, you might not be able to take your pet with you.
  • Also, if your pet is on medication, ensure there’s enough to get him through the long haul.

How to prepare your business for a hurricane

  • Think about your strategy. What do you need to re-open quickly after a hurricane? Do you have many locations or just one? If only one, do you have an idea of a temporary space where you can conduct your business while repairing the old one?
  • Prepare Business Continuity Plan in case of a hurricane – a formal written document that all your employees are familiar with that will contain step-by-step hurricane preparation and re-opening plan.
  • Train your employees regarding hurricane preparation.
  • Ensure your employees have a safe place to go in the event of a hurricane.
  • Store emergency supplies.
  • Keep files that contain critical business information on the cloud so you can recover them even if physical objects like computers and hard drives are damaged.
  • Review your insurance and verify if it covers hurricane and hurricane-related damage and business interruption.

It’s a lot and might be overwhelming, but these preventive measures can save your lives, family, and property! Remember to support vulnerable individuals – ensure people around you are not left behind.

To learn more about hurricane shutters, click here.

To learn more about code compliance, click here.